Sunday, January 30, 2011

Driving in St. Joseph

This last weekend, my brother and I were on the Belt Highway driving along, when suddenly we missed our turn.  So we went up to the next store and turned around using their parking lot.  On the way back to the turn that we missed, my brother driving, we were in the turning lane a little to early before our turn and ended up being right in front of an angry motorist.  This motorist who I suppose had the right to be angry with us and displayed it with a non-verbal display of communication, which just so happened to be her flipping us the bird.  By bird, as we discussed in Dr. Capps class I do not mean an airplane, a lady in England, or the flying type of bird, this bird was the type of bird that just so happened to be connected to the hand and was the middle finger, and her facial expressions told us that she was pretty angry. 

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