Friday, March 18, 2011

Poor communication skills

One of my professors at the college that I am currently attending has by far the worst communication and public speaking skills I have ever heard.  This particular professor is my math teacher, which I really do not like math and would prefer not to be there.  This teacher will stand in front of the class and instantly when he gets up there his face turns as red as a tomato, then he goes on to say um and uhh several times before he starts sounding something like this "umm uhh ummm ok uh today um the uh lesson is uh umm about uuuhhhhhhhh probability umm." This goes on for the whole class period and really is hard to listen to for an hour and twenty minutes.  Originally I thought that he had a really bad fear of public speaking and being in front of a room full of people, but after trying to talk to him after a test right before spring break he showed me that his communication skills are very minimal communication skills even from one person to another. 

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